RECLAIM Compliance Assistance for SCAQMD Users - Nationwide Boiler Inc.
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REgional CLean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM) SCAQMD Logo

The South Coast's implementation of RECLAIM, the world's first comprehensive market program for reducing air pollution, was established to help clean up our air more effectively than traditional regulations. To do this, the program calls for more stringent emissions regulations on NOx and other harmful air pollutants, while providing trading credits and other incentives to companies in order to meet these new limits.

The program has transitioned to a command-and-control regulatory structure, which is an ongoing process that will modify existing rules established specifically for RECLAIM facilities. A revision to Rule 1146 has now been adopted:

Group I Units
≥ 75 MMBtu/hr
5 ppm NOx Limit
 Group II Units
20 - 75 MMBtu/hr
5 ppm NOx Limit (if existing limit is > 12 ppm)

*See below tables for additional limits and compliance details. 

Does your facility fall into the RECLAIM bubble? If so, Nationwide Boiler can assist with bringing your stationary equipment up to current standards and in compliance with the latest rules and regulations. With over 150 successful installations, our CataStak SCR system is proven to reduce NOx emissions to as low as 2.5 ppm on boilers, fired heaters, and other demanding applications.

Contact us today to get started: 1-800-227-1966