Employee Updates - Nationwide Boiler Inc.
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This page has been generated to communicate important updates to all Nationwide Boiler employees for the duration of this developing situation with the COVID-19 outbreak. Please follow the recommendations of the CDC and practice social distancing for the time being. 

May 5, 2020

Although the Shelter in Place orders for California and Washington have been extended through the end of May, restrictions are starting to ease up. As recently announced, Nationwide Boiler will continue our current semi-remote operation for our offices in Fremont and Visalia, until the Shelter In Place order is lifted.

We currently require that all employees wear face coverings around the shop and office (when not at your desk or work area). This policy will be in place indefinitely, until the state lifts these policies. We also have sanitization stations setup around the shop and office, and we recommend that you periodically sanitize your work area. Commonly used areas are being sanitized on a daily basis.

We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time of change. If you have any questions or concerns about the new policies in place, please discuss with your Supervisor.

Employees experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 must immediately notify your Supervisor,
Larry Day, Jack Valentine (for PCE employees), and Holly Lepo. 

 Larry Day  (510) 557-7524
 Jack Valentine  (503) 709-8420
 Holly Lepo  (510) 789-8107


April 3, 2020

Our Fremont shop and office will return to normal working hours on Wednesday, April 8th. However, those who have been working from home (primarily our sales & engineering teams), should continue to do so until the shelter in place order is lifted. You supervisor will contact you with further details. All returning employees will receive COVID-19 response plan training and supplies. 

Before returning to work, all employees will be required to submit and sign a self-evaluation form regarding their current health. Any employee with a fever or flu symptoms will not be allowed to work or enter the facility. We are adhering to all the recommended procedures and guidelines for sanitizing our facility for a safe and germ-free workplace. For the safety of our employees, we will also adhere to the social distancing guidelines. 

For specific details on the measures we have implemented, see Nationwide Boiler's Social Distancing Protocol


March 27, 2020

Nationwide Boiler will re-open Wednesday, April 8th and resume operations as normal. Please notify your supervisor immediately if you will be unable to return to work that day.

Today we are mailing to your home address the following information:

  •   - Essential Business Letter from Our President
      - Employee Families First Coronavirus Benefits Information
      - Revised Employee Handbook Section 3.4, Paid Sick Leave
      - Required Federal Posting for Employee Rights Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)

Please review all document thoroughly once received, as this is very important information. If you have questions, please contact your supervisor or HR@nationwideboiler.com.  

We hope everyone and their families are well and we look forward to seeing you again in April.


March 23, 2020

We released an official statement in this Letter to Our Customers explaining the current operations at Nationwide Boiler during the state mandated shutdowns. 

Here are some things you can do during the Shelter in Place order:

  •    - Give blood – our country is in dire need of blood, contact www.redcross.org or call 1-800-733-2767 to make an appointment.
  •    - Check on the elderly – visit or call any elderly neighbors or local family members and see if they need anything.
          Offer to go get their groceries or medicines for them.
  •    - Support your local restaurants with ordering take-out, especially non-fast food restaurants
  •    - Re-connect with  family and children.  Play board or card games, cook meals together, try out new recipes.  Watch a movie together.
  •    - Get outside for a walk, run, or bicycle.  Just because your gym is closed doesn’t mean you should stop exercising.
  •    - Call on old friend that you haven’t talked to recently.
  •    - Good time to learn to Skype or Facetime with relatives and friends.
  •    - Read a good book
  •    - Clean out your room or closet (do some spring cleaning)
  •    - Donate online to worthy charitable organizations like your church, Salvation Army, etc. 
  •    - Pray
  • ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

March 19, 2020

Employees that are under "mandatory shelter in place" orders and are working remote are considered "on-call" and are expected to be available by email and telephone as you are being paid for these days.

Please notify your Supervisor if you are not available to be "on-call" due to other COVID-19 issues (exposure, childcare, etc.), or if you have left the area. 


March 17, 2020

As of today, our COVID-19 Management Team has coordinated continuing on-site and remote operations for all departments. All at-home employees are working remote and/or on-call in case of an emergency need. If you cannot be on-call or do not want to be on-call, you need to notify your Supervisor and take this time off as vacation or sick time. Also, as previously announced, employees will receive their regular 40-hour work week pay for the initial 3-week period. HR@nationwideboiler.com will be monitored if you have any questions or concerns. 

Please note that per direction of the county officials, this initial 3-week period may be amended, shortened, or lengthened depending on the developing situation. 

Employees experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 must immediately notify your Supervisor,
Larry Day, Jack Valentine (for PCE employees), and Holly Lepo. 

 Larry Day  (510) 557-7524
 Jack Valentine  (503) 709-8420
 Holly Lepo  (510) 789-8107


March 16, 2020

Six Bay Area counties have been ordered to “shelter in place”, meaning all non-essential businesses have been directed to shut down from Tuesday, March 17th through April 7th and all people are to stay at home. People may travel for food shopping, health care, providing aid to families and friends, etc. Airports, taxis, and public transit will remain operational for essential travel only. Our business “could” be considered essential, when providing steam to a hospital, power plant, or refinery, so the Fremont facility and office will be partially manned.

NBI employees with the ability to work remote will work from home, including Sales and Engineering. We will handle incoming Fremont calls during working hours. We will have minimum accounting staff at the office to process payroll, pay bills, process receivables, and invoice for existing and new jobs. We will also have a skeleton crew for shipping and receiving functions. All other employees will be at home but on-call for emergencies. We have arranged with Cal Steel in Modesto to use their yard for any diverted deliveries or maintenance functions immediately required.

We are in unchartered waters here so please bear with us. We will will try to keep everybody updated via mass text and this page on our website. Our business will continue to operate. Many customers depend upon us and we won’t let them down even during this unprecedented action by our local government. Email will be the best way to communicate with any of us during the next 3 weeks.

Larry K. Day
President / CEO