- Need to have Lindsey do a site review for SEO.
- Nav Menu
Doesn't like nav menu dropdown overlaps.
The issue is with the width of the sub menus. I think it's best to force a click on a main nav menu item to open the sub menu. With this in place, multiple menus don't open and close as you move the mouse around.
Using a forced click disables the link for the main nav item. Need another solution.
I modified the drop down to appear and disappear faster.
- Videos under states and before logos
New layout - see url sent by Chelsey for example. NEED URL OF EXAMPLE THEY LIKE FROM CHELSEY
Moved videos and used same video as 3 placeholders.
Need URL's for final YouTube Videos from NBI.
- Some pages need updated styling:
- Trailer mounted boilers
This page will be a "template" for others that need updates.
This page needs links updated.
NBI will try a sample image with text overlay. Otherwise would want clickable text links moved above the photo.
- Mobile Steam
- Skid Mounted
- Auxiliary Equipment
- Industries served - change buttons as "Learn More".
Above pages may have broken links. content change needed by NBI.
- remove bullets
- check links some are broken.
- reduce size of text links
- too much header space.
- read more buttons. green background. white text. "Get the Specs"
- Mobile Boiler rental page needs missing content. See existing site. NEED TO CLARIFY. NOT SURE WHAT I NEED TO DO.
- Map for reps page. FInd an extension that will do this and send to chelsey. something super simple.
Waiting on purchase of possible Extension. If we use Extension, they like Marker Map option.
- Equp Sales > Stock inventory has one url
Equipment Sales in main menu, then click first box. this has another url. point to first url.
- Final implement of Carousel.
3 items added. note difference in vertical size for main text and the 2 line header for first item.
Link carousel items
8/4 - Leave as is for now. Chelsey will experiment with text with the images as is. Images will be adjusted later.
- Update EasyBlog
- Blog posts not showing newest in footer. post from 2018?
Waiting on support ticket response. SUPPORT IS WORKING ON THIS.
- Fix blog images for items in footer. Images arent transferring between sites?
- 2nd blog item isn't showing an image.
- Fix ALL easyblog post Cover images?
Support doesn't have an ETA for a fix.
COMPLETED ITEMS (not a comprehensive list!)
- Logo bigger. Boiler Rentals and Sales text more legibile.
- Chelsey not seeing favicon. Using Chrome.
- Footer. Implement subscribe form.
- Install Active Campaign Extension for footer subscribe form. Installed but not working.
Waiting on response from AC support. Contacted support again on 8/8. Waiting on a response.
- Company will have drop down. Same drop down as current site. Leave careers even though redundant.
This will need to be a Change Order.
Our design didn't anticipate using a drop menu in the Top menu.
We could just link Company to a page with all the drop down links in that page as content?
8/10 email from Chelsey - Maryam and I discussed this morning and we’d like to hold off on the company menu dropdown and go the route of a sidebar menu on the company page only.
I think I am done with the first 3 items in the homepage carousel. Can you duplicate the 3 items that exist and place them accordingly, for me to go in and edit all text and titles? We need 9 total items. If the other images aren’t ready, you can use the same images for now and we can swap in the new ones when ready.