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Boiler Blog | Nationwide Boiler Inc.

Nationwide Boiler news and events, industry updates, technical resources and more. You hear it first on The Nationwide Boiler Blog!

Free Webinar Offered by the IDEA

In partnership with the Department of Energy Southeast Clean Energy Application Center, the International District Energy Association (IDEA), a nonprofit trade association created to facilitate the exchange of information among district energy professionals, is hosting a free webinar on November 17, 2011 (1:000-2:00 pm EST). The webinar, entitled "District Energy and CHP - Valuable Infrastructure for Sustainable Communities", will provide insight into the emergence of district energy in North America and will include two case studies that highlight its' success. Speakers will include Robert Thornton, President and CEO of the IDEA, Ray DuBose, Director, Energy Services at UNC-Chapel Hill and Harry Ragsdale, President, Thermal Engineering Group, Inc.

Nationwide Boiler has been a proud member of the IDEA and we support the organization's goals of promoting energy efficiency and environmental quality through the advancement of district heating, district cooling and cogeneration.

  7470 Hits

Boilers Ship Fast-Track for Emergency Need

Sometimes boilers are rented in advance for planned maintenance or additional capacity, and other times they are needed immediately in an emergency outage. No matter the situation, Nationwide Boiler has the capacity to provide equipment to support our customers at their best and at their worst.

We received a call on Sunday afternoon from a customer in an emergency situation, with an immediate need for rental equipment. Our Rental Sales Manager, Tim McBride, quickly sent information on two (2) 70,000 lb/hr trailer-mounted boilers that were available from our heaquarters in Fremont, CA. The order was received Monday morning, and we began working diligently to process paperwork, perform outbound equipment inspections, and coordinate shipment. The two units shipped this afternoon, just three days after the initial call, and are on their way to the South. With the help of our partner, ADCO Companies, the equipment will be up and running in no time!

We plan ahead for situations just like this, so we can support our customers through any unexpected outage and provide them with reliable equipment and un-matched service.

  3763 Hits