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Proposed Rule for Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The EPA today proposed a new reporting ruling that would require large, direct emitters of greenhouse gases to comply with new reporting requirements. These would include energy intensive sectors such as cement production, iron and steel production and electricity generation.

EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson realizes the importance of gathering critical data in order to better understand climate change for a healthier future.  She notes that this proposed requirement will not affect small businesses, but is rather aimed at large businesses, those that have emissions equal to or greater than a threshold of 25,000 metric tons per year.

"Our efforts to confront climate change must be guided by the best possible information. Through this new reporting, we will have comprehensive and accurate data about the production of greenhouse gases. This is a critical step toward helping us better protect our health and environment - all without placing an onerous burden on our nation's small businesses."

The EPA estimates that the expected cost to comply with the reporting requirements to the private sector would be $160 million for the first year. In subsequent years, the annualized costs for the private sector would be $127 million. This rule is being developed under the authority of the Clean Air Act and the proposed rule will be open for public comment for 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. Two public hearings will be held during the comment period.

Nationwide Boiler's low NOx solutions are developed for companies, large and small, who want to do their part in combating climate change. We have upgraded our fleet of rental boilers with Low NOx equipment in order to easily meet emissions requirements in any part of the county. For those customers wanting even lower emissions our CataStak SCR systems have been proven to reduce NOx emissions below 5 ppm in over 50 installations and that list continues to grow.

Nationwide Boiler is ready to help your facility meet your "green" goals. Contact us today and let us know how we can help.

Click here for more information on the proposed rule.

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