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The Unwritten Laws of Engineering

The fall edition of our Steamlines newsletter featured an article by Nationwide Boiler's President, Jeff Shallcross, which discussed the writings of W.J. King and his publication The Unwritten Laws of Engineering. King's list of “laws” describes engineering guidelines of professional conduct for those new to the engineering field.

Below is an excerpt from the article, however you can download the complete Steamlines newsletter and become a subscriber by visiting Nationwide's website.

    • However menial and trivial your early assignments may appear, give them your best efforts.
    • There is always a premium upon the ability to get things done, and this requires energy, resourcefulness, and persistence.
    • Before asking for approval of any major action, have a definite plan and program worked out to support it.
    • Strive for conciseness and clarity in oral or written reports; be extremely careful of the accuracy of your statements.
    • One of the first things you owe your supervisor is to keep him informed of all significant developments.
    • Whenever your work affects another department or another employee, make sure they know what you are doing, and why.
    • Get the facts, make an analysis, apply judgment, and make a decision; do not hesitate or be indecisive.
    • Be interested in the people who work with you or for you, and treat them as you would want to be treated.
    • Regard your personal integrity as one of your most important assets.
    • Be careful of your personal appearance; if you are an executive, look the part.

Many additional “laws” could be added to the list however, the following summarizes the above information best:

"You should make an effort to learn what is expected of you in your job. Realize that people do form first impressions of you; people do appraise your appearance, the way you conduct yourself, and your ability to accomplish assigned tasks; and these evaluations are being made all the time."

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Nationwide Boiler's 2022 Year in Review

Nationwide Boiler is fortunate to have closed on another record year in 2022 for rental and sales volume. Looking back at our customer base, it is extraordinary to see how many industries and manufacturing processes utilize steam. We worked with customers from roughly 15 different industries to supply reliable temporary boilers, new and used boilers and related equipment for permanent applications, the CataStak™ SCR system for single-digit NOx performance, and custom control systems and fuel skids from our Controls Division in Washougal.

The food processing industry pulled ahead this year as our largest industry served. Steam is used for many purposes in the food and beverage industry including heat, sterilization, food processing and preparation of sauces/flavors, canning, cooking, curing, and drying. We have annual rental customers in the food processing industry to support their seasonal increased steam demand needs. We also had a large number of projects with chemical & manufacturing companies, pulp and paper facilities, and oil & gas refineries. Steam is used for process heating, drying or concentrating, steam cracking and distillation in these industries. Other prominent customer groups included energy and power generation, colleges and universities, aerospace, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and textile mills.

In terms of geographical location, Nationwide Boiler supplied equipment to customers in locations spanning more than half of the states in the country, but also to customers outside of the U.S. As we like to say, Nationwide Boiler is not just ‘nationwide’, but ‘worldwide’, and this year we had the pleasure of supplying equipment to customers in Canada, Mexico, China, South Korea and Israel. Plus, we had our first equipment sale to a refinery in Kazakhstan - two (2) 75,000 lb/hr, 750 psi high-pressure saturated steam package boilers that will be utilized for process heating needs.

Steam continues to be a powerful source of heat and energy and is utilized in a wide variety of industries all across the globe. Nationwide Boiler is proud to be ending on a high note again this year, as we strive to continue our legacy of providing reliable temporary and permanent boiler solutions with “...Integrity, Dependability, and Real Customer Service.”

Check out our December 2022 edition of the Steamlines Newsletter to learn more about what's happening at Nationwide Boiler Inc. 

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