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Boilers Take Flight on the Antonov

b2ap3_thumbnail_NB-563.jpgIt is amazing to know that a package boiler can be shipped anywhere in the world within a number of days. Last month Nationwide Boiler supplied a late model 70,000 pph trailer-mounted watertube boiler to Powerhouse Equipment & Engineering Company, our East Coast Partner, for a sale to a ConocoPhillips LNG plant in Australia. The boiler, along with a new Powerhouse supplied 75,000 pph skid-mounted watertube boiler was airlifted on the Antonov AN124-100 aircraft from San Francisco International airport to Darwin, Australia. It took a total of three days for the boilers to reach their final destination, having to stop for re-fueling in Alaska, Russia and the Philippines.

Over the last seven years, the Antonov has also been used to ship our boilers to New Brunswick and the Philippines. Also, five of our boilers have been shipped to Wales, Israel, Venezuela and Malaysia and several of our trailer-mounted watertube boilers have gone to China and Scotland for rental projects (via special transport ship).

By air, land, rail and sea, you can depend on Nationwide Boiler to deliver quality equipment and cost effective solutions anywhere in the world. 

  6604 Hits

New 110,000 lb/hr Superheat Boiler Provides Increased Steam Capacity

With short summers and weather as unpredictable as it is charming, much of Newfoundland and Labrador relies on NARL Refining’s ability to provide warmth and clean fuel. We were able to assist with the refinery’s needs by providing them with one of our new in-stock 110,000 lb/hr trailer-mounted superheat boilers. The 750 psig design watertube boiler was manufactured by Babcock & Wilcox, who recommended Nationwide Boiler for the job per our stock boiler program.

To learn more about the boiler sale and how we were able to accommodate the customer’s need for an immediately available unit, read our latest case study. (PDF will download in a new window.)
  3803 Hits