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New Southern California Sales Engineer Added to the Nationwide Boiler Team

"Incredible things in the business world are never made by a single person, but by a team." This famous quote, spoken by Steve Jobs, couldn't be more accurate. The importance of building a strong, cohesive sales team that can provide real support and value to our customers is undeniable.

With this in mind, we are exicted to announce the addition of Rich Winfield to the Nationwide Boiler sales team! Rich joins Nationwide with nearly 35 years of experience in the boiler industry. He began his career in the field as a boiler combustion control technician, eventually transitioning into a sales position where he experienced continued growth and success.

Rich has been assigned to the position of Outside Sales, Southern California Region, and will focus on nurturing new leads and servicing previous clientele throughout the region. In addition, Rich will continue to educate boiler owner's in Southern California on Nationwide Boilers full product offerings, including our fleet of over 100 rental boilers, new and used boilers for sale, stock boiler program, CataStak SCR System for ultra-low NOx compliance, DataStak emissions and efficiency monitoring system, combustion control upgrades, UL certified control panels, and more.

Read our recent press release for more details, and please join us in welcoming Rich to the Nationwide Boiler team!

Boiler Basics 101: Basic Anatomy of a Boiler

Boilers are designed to produce steam to accomplish a multitude of tasks; from powering a plant to sterilizing hospital equipment. In simple terms, a boiler is a closed container in which water is heated to its boiling point to produce usable steam. In order to produce steam, there are two key items that must be involved: water and heat.

A boiler is comprised of two seperate systems: the steam-water system (waterside), and the fuel-air-flue system (fireside). As you might have guessed, water is first introduced into the waterside of the boiler. Alternatively, the fireside of the boiler provides heat, produced through the combustion of fuel (commonly natural gas or fuel oil, but can be another source) and air, which is controlled by the burner.  The heat that is created within the fireside is transferred to the waterside to produce steam.

To complete a boiler system, additional elements are required. This typically includes the following major components:

  •  Burner: a mechanical device that supplies the required fuel and air for proper combustion.
  •  Controls: the BMS (burner management system) protects the equipment and personnel from safety issues.
        The CCS (combustion control system) controls the air and fuel for proper combustion.
  •  Fan: supplies air for the combustion to take place.
  •  Water Softener: pre-treats the boiler feedwater for removal of hardness, which would otherwise cause detrimental scale
     inside the boiler system.
  •  Deaerator / Feedwater System: removes oxygen and gases from boiler feedwater supply (which will also damage boiler
    internals), and feeds it to the boiler system via high pressure feedwater pumps.

All of these elements come together to create a robust steam supply system that is utilized in an abundance of processes throughout many different industries. Boilers truly are a work of art, with many pieces working as one system to make something extremely powerful and impactful, which is why we at Nationwide Boiler are so passionate about what we do.

Stay tuned for the next article in ur Boiler Basics 101 series to learn more about common types of boiler systems.  

Boiler Basics 101: What is Steam?

To kick-off our ‘Boiler Basics 101’ series, we are starting at the very beginning. The extremely useful resource, produced by the commercial and industrial boilers that we rent, sell, service and maintain… that resource is steam.

Our business, and the boiler industry as a whole, revolves around steam. We provide boilers and related equipment for both temporary and permanent applications; equipment that works together to produce the valuable resource of steam, utilized in an abundance of processes across many different industries. So, what exactly is steam and what is it used for?

Let’s start with the chemical composition of steam. Water can exist in three physical states; solid, liquid, and vapor. These physical states, in more common terms, are referred to as ice, water, and steam. When water is heated at atmospheric pressure, its temperature rises until it reaches the highest temperature at which water can exist at this pressure. This temperature, 212F or 100C, is the saturation temperature, or boiling point. As water boils and temperature continues to increase, water particles begin to form small bubbles that rise to the surface and vaporize. This is how steam is formed.

Traditionally, steam was associated with locomotives and the Industrial Revolution. However, now steam is an integral part of modern-day technology. Not only is it an excellent source of energy and heat, but it is also sterile, which makes it ideal for use in the food, pharmaceutical, and health industries. Many other industries also utilize steam for processing, petroleum refining, utility and power, and manufacturing.

Steam has become an invaluable part of our world.  Without it, many of the advances and technologies in today’s time would not be as effective or efficient as they are now.

Stay tuned for the next article in our Boiler Basics 101 series to learn about the basic anatomy of a boiler system.

Happy International Women's Day from Nationwide Boiler!

womens day

At Nationwide Boiler, we are proud that we are able to break the barriers in a male-dominated industry, by employing valuable, hard-working women throughout many departments. We believe that all of the women at Nationwide Boiler make a big impact on who we are and what we stand for as a company. Hear from some of the Women of Nationwide about their pastimes and how they feel they make an impact:  

Michele Tomas - VP Finance
"The tides of the boiler industry are shifting, where more women are being recognized for their valuable contributions to organizations that serve the needs of steam generation. As a leader at Nationwide, I feel empowered to have my voice, as well as others, heard within the organization. Our skills and inputs are not only recognized, but are known and credited as vital inputs to the ongoing success of the company."                                       

Holly Lepo - Quality Control & Facilities Manager
“Because of my years of service and the numerous job positions that I have held, I have had a unique opportunity to see how Nationwide has grown in terms of Women in the workplace. From a time when we had Women only in clerical positions to now when we have many Women in management, accounting, engineering, marketing, and quality control. I have had the honor of working closely with and getting to know most of our Women.  It is wonderful to see how Women have advanced into the Working Women of today.

One of my favorite outside activities is to hop in my RV and venture out with my Women’s group, friends, and family.  Of course, at one time it would be quite unusual to see a Woman driving, maintaining, and setting up an RV by herself!”

Chelsey Ryker - Marketing Manager
“I enjoy being part of the small group of working women in the boiler industry, and I appreciate the many opportunities for growth that I have received at Nationwide. It’s nice to work for a company that promotes a work-life balance, with flexibility that allows me to be a working mother of two. And as a woman that is part of the leadership team, I feel empowered to provide new ideas that will help improve processes and day-to-day activities throughout the company.”

Shalini Kumar - Senior Accountant
“I feel that I have made an impact at Nationwide in many ways since I started working here in January 2018. I have made processes more clean and organized, and I have made many employees in the company feel that I am a “go-to” person. They know that I will definitely try to assist them or guide them to the appropriate person. I always try to be positive and have a smile on my face, in hopes of bringing a smile to others in the company and allowing them feel comfortable approaching me.”

Sandy Nevels - Shop Admin
“I feel that I make an impact working at Nationwide by always be willing to do whatever it takes to get my tasks done quickly and efficiently.

I enjoy being part of a team and I am always willing to help out my co-workers when needed. People often come to me with questions about certain work topics and I direct them to the proper person to which they can get the answer, or I volunteer myself to assist. You can say I’m helpful and a go-to person. Although I am Holly’s admin,  I also enjoy assisting the shop, service, and other departments throughout the company when needed.

When I’m out of the office for an extended period of time, I am told that I was missed and that people are glad that I’m back, which makes me feel valued. I always come to work with a positive mindset and try to make each day the best it can be.”

Ruthy Brand - Office Admin
“I like volunteering, cooking, travelling, and spending time with my family and friends. In fact, this coming Saturday, I am volunteering for my second year with California Dental Association (CDA).  Twice a year they provide free dental works for Northern California and Southern California residents.”

The women at Nationwide Boiler truly are remarkable and appreciated every day. Celebrate International Women’s Day and don’t forget to tell the women around you how much you appreciate them.