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Protect Your Boiler from Freeze Damage this Winter

When winter comes along, freeze protection should be a major consideration for any boiler owner or renter. Protecting your boiler from freeze damage is simple: enclose, insulate, and/or heat trace. If you continue operations as usual and allow your boiler to be exposed to near or below freezing temperatures, you will have a high probability of costly damage and system failures.

Below are a few reminders on the proper steps to take when it comes time to protect your temporary or permanent boiler system from the cold climate.

  - Enclose both the front and rear of the boiler, or build a full temporary enclosure, and utilize an external heating source.
  - Install the proper heat tracing (steam or electronic) and insulation to all of your main lines and piping components, regardless of if the
    boiler is in operation or not. This includes the following lines:
Sensing lines
          - Auxiliary low-water cut-off
          - Water column
          - Level control blowdown
          - Main and continuous blowdown, depending on length of piping runs
  - During non-operation times, drain and fill all sensing lines with a 50/50 water/glycol solution, making sure to re-connect each line.
  - When an extended downtime is expected, completely drain the boiler and all stagnant water lines.

In addition to the recommendations above, use sound engineering calls when it comes to deciding the correct freeze protection measures. And if you happen to have damage this winter, we have your back with a rental boiler to get you by during the repairs!

6 Tips for Improved Efficiency & Reduced NOx Emissions

Nationwide Boiler's Director of Environmental Solutions, Sean McMenamin, provided content for this month's issue of Process Heating Magazine. The topic of discussion this time around is reducing NOx emissions and improving overall boiler efficiency.

Sean has provided six tips to ensure the highest possible thermal efficiency, and lowest possible NOx output. This includes:

1. Reducing Stack Gas Temperature to Increase Efficiency
2. Managing Excess Air Levels for Optimum Performance
3. Utilizing Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) to Reduce NOx Emissions
4. Selective Catalytic Reduction for Ultra-Low NOx Performance
5. Combining Economizers & SCR Systems for Emissions & Efficiency Gains
6. Monitoring Emissions & Efficiency Performance

For additional details related to these tips and tricks for reducing NOx and increasing efficiency, check out the full article in Process Heating's September 2018 issue!

First of Three 200,000 lb/hr Boilers Headed to the Middle East

Nationwide Boiler is pleased to announce that we recently secured our largest rental project in our fifty one year history! This long-term rental includes three (3) 200,000 lb/hr, 750 psi / 750F superheated steam, skid-mounted package Babcock & Wilcox watertube boilers. We are also supplying a plant master work station and one (1) deaerator with pumps for the duration of the rental. The equipment will support the start-up of Saudi-Aramco's 106-square-kilometer refinery and terminal in Jizan, Saudi Arabia.

The first boiler was loaded at the Port of Houston over this past weekend, beginning a six week journey to the Port of Jizan. The other two boilers, along with additional equipment, will be coordinated in a phased shipment process.

Take a look at the time lapse video below to see the first boiler being loaded on the ship, and read our press release for additional details on this major rental project.

Great job to all involved and we look forward to a successful project!

Never Forget 9-11

We will always remember those who risked their lives and those who lost their lives on this tragic day in history.

We are grateful today and always.

2018 9 11 Remembrance