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Boiler Blog | Nationwide Boiler Inc.

Nationwide Boiler news and events, industry updates, technical resources and more. You hear it first on The Nationwide Boiler Blog!

Nationwide Boiler Inc. Exhibiting at Power-Gen 2010 - Booth 2578

Nationwide Boiler's sales team will be exhibiting at booth 2578 at the 22nd annual Power-Gen international trade show, December 14-16 at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL.

To receive a complimentary exhibit floor pass, please contact Nationwide Boiler at

  6182 Hits

Seven Immediate Energy Saving Ideas

1    Operate Boilers At or Close to Design Capacity. This decreases fuel consumption per unit of production and can result in an estimated energy savings range of 1 percent to 5 percent.  Likewise, if your facility or plant requires excess capacity, visit the Nationwide Boiler website to obtain a current list of boilers for rent or for sale.  Nationwide Boiler provides new and used boilers that can ship immediately, anywhere around the world (conditions apply, contact Nationwide Boiler for details).

2    Reduce Combustion Excess Air. Measure and control air-fuel ratio or oxygen and carbon monoxide content of flue gases from process heating equipment such as furnaces, ovens, and boilers for the entire range of operation. This has an estimated energy savings range of 2 percent to 15 percent. Think about installing a standard low NOx / low excess air burner (compared to an ULN / high excess air burner) on your boiler.  Complemented with a Nationwide CataStak™ Selective Catalytic Reduction System (SCR), a new burner retrofit and SCR installation will not only provide immediate energy savings, but will also reduce NOx emissions and decrease your carbon footprint.

3    Clean Heat Transfer Surfaces. Cleaning heat transfer surfaces lowers flue gas temperature and increases efficiency by improving heat transfer. Doing so can save an estimated 1 percent to 5 percent at a moderate cost.

4    Reduce Radiation Losses from Openings. Reducing radiation losses can save an estimated 1 percent to 2.5 percent at a relatively low cost.
5    Use Proper Oven, Furnace or Boiler Insulation to Reduce Wall Heat Losses. Reducing wall losses produces energy savings of 1 percent to 2 percent with only a moderate investment.

6    Insulate Steam Lines Leaving the Boiler as well as Air- or Water-Cooled Surfaces Exposed to the Oven or Furnace Environment. With an estimated energy savings range of 1 percent to 5 percent, piping insulation can be completed for a moderate investment.

7    Install Air Preheaters or Other Heat Recovery Equipment. This type of equipment recovers available heat from exhaust gases and boiler blowdown and transfers it back into the system by preheating. The potential energy savings range id from 1 percent to 25 percent, depending on process temperatures and other variables.  Consider a Nationwide Boiler EconoStak Economizer or a Heat Recovery (HR) Blowdown Pak to recover valuable heat that can be reused, allowing you to save money in the long-term.

Adapted from Process Heating Magazine, March 21, 2012.

  7169 Hits

More Than Just a Boiler Rental Company

Nationwide Boiler has been in business for over 50 years, and our business has seen tremendous growth since we first opened our doors in 1967. Starting out as a rental boiler company with just one boiler, we now maintain a rental fleet of over 100 boilers and related equipment, stock new and reconditioned boilers for sale, lead the industry in CataStak™ SCR installations for package boilers, own and operate a UL certified controls division based out of Washougal, WA, and provide many products and services above and beyond just boiler rentals.

So, when you think of Nationwide Boiler, don't think of us as just another boiler rental company. Check out these ten interesting facts that you may not have known about Nationwide:

  1. Nationwide Boiler Inc. was originally named Nationwide Rentals, and began with just one 22,000 lb/hr trailer-mounted boiler in our rental fleet.
  2. We maintain, service, and store our boilers in 10 key cities through the country to help achieve quick delivery and transportation cost savings.
  3. We have over 20 sales representatives located throughout the world, ready to assist our customers.
  4. Nationwide Boiler is more than just a rental company. In addition to stocking new and reconditioned boilers for sale, we also offer auxiliary equipment for rent and for sale. This includes CataStak™ SCR systems, EconoStak economizers, DataStak™ emissions & efficiency monitoring systems, deaerators, water softeners, heat exchangers, gas regulators, blowdown heat recovery systems, blowdown separators, and more.
  5. The CataStak™ has been installed in over 200 temporary and permanent applications.
  6. We stock a large inventory of boiler parts for quick delivery to our customers.
  7. We provide complete boiler start-up, including operator training and operator service when required.
  8. Our controls division, Pacific Combustion Engineering, has over 60 years of experience with all aspects of industrial heat processes, and can provide UL certified, integrated    burner management systems and combustion control packages.
  9.  Nationwide Boiler is a manufacturer's representative for Babcock & Wilcox, Superior Boiler, E-Tech Heat Recovery Solutions, and Webster Combustion Technology.
  10. Although we have 'Nationwide' in our name, we support customers worldwide and have provided equipment to six of the seven continents in the world. Can you guess which continent we have yet to check off our list?
  3197 Hits

2019 Food Processing Expo

Next week, Nationwide Boiler will be exhibiting at the 2019 Food Processing Expo, located at the Sacramento Convention Center. This 2-day regional conference is one of the largest tradeshows in California, with over 280 exhibitors featuring food processes, machinery, supplies, equipment, and services. In addition, the conference offers a variety of workshops, educational sessions, keynote speakers, and a banquet and silent auction event to raise money for their scholarship program. And don’t forget to stop by the tasting pavilion for a mid-day snack!

Nationwide Boiler has been providing products and services to the food processing industry for over fifty years. From rental boilers, new and reconditioned boiler sales, burner management and control system upgrades, and CataStak™ SCR systems for ultra low NOx compliance, Nationwide is your one-stop, total solutions provider. With headquarters in Fremont, CA and additional facilities in Visalia, CA and Washougal, WA, we are strategically positioned to support customers throughout the West Coast.

If you will be at the show, be sure to stop by the Nationwide booth #835. Representatives from all three divisions will be ready to discuss your next project!

Visit the event website for registration and additional details about the show.

  2986 Hits