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Boiler Blog | Nationwide Boiler Inc.

Nationwide Boiler news and events, industry updates, technical resources and more. You hear it first on The Nationwide Boiler Blog!

Meeting Peak Season Demand with Rental Boiler Equipment

Tomato season is here, and we already have a 70,000 lb/hr, 400 psi design trailer-mounted rental boiler on location at one of our customer sites to support peak season steam demand. This boiler is rented annually in the Central Valley of California for three to four months during the tomato processor’s short but critical production season. To meet the requirement of 5 ppm NOx, the boiler is supplied with an ultra-low NOx CataStak SCR System. This solution allows the facility to operate their own boilers without overworking them, while complying with local air regulations and satisfying seasonal demand.

Some years ago, the company identified a bottleneck in its evaporation system that hindered peak production capacities. The bottleneck was easily resolved; however, it would take more steam to fully realize the increase in production. Although the existing boilers were capable of running the newly found evaporation capacity, the increased production required the existing boilers to operate at 100% output continuously, leaving no room for margin and no buffer against any process anomalies. After evaluating the cost of investing in a new boiler, the detrimental effects of operating the existing boilers at 100 percent output, and the process vulnerabilities of having no excess steam capacity, the decision was made to rent a supplementary steam boiler on an annual basis.  

Many industries face periods of increased process steam requirements and to satisfy demand, steam can be supplemented with a temporary rental boiler. This practical solution allows facilities to maximize the resources needed to meet current, short-term and long-term steam needs. A short-term or long-term rental solution can save time, conserve capital, minimize risk and maximize available resources.

Check out our past article from Today’s Boiler Magazine to learn more about how temporary boilers can support seasonal steam demand, and contact us today if a rental boiler may be the solution to your peak season needs!

  3433 Hits

Nationwide Boiler Steamlines Newsletter: Available Now!

Nationwide Boiler's first Steamlines Newsletter of 2021 is out and available for viewing! Read up on the latest happenings at Nationwide, industry news, technical tips, and more, including... 

Nationwide has nearly 55 years of experience responding to emergency needs, and there is no doubt that we are able and ready to dispatch equipment in a moments notice. What may come as a surprise to some is that unplanned and emergency rentals make up a smaller portion of our business than planned outages. And at times, rental boilers are used for process steam when the outage is planned by the steam supplier next door.

Since the pandemic forced many companies (including NBI) to move to a temporary remote work model, some corporations like Google, Dropbox, Facebook, and Salesforce are going all in with remote work as a permanent way of business. But is remote work for everyone, and is it the future? Hear from our President & CEO, Larry Day, for his take on the matter.

Nationwide Boiler has a purpose built rental fleet featuring firetube and watertube boilers, mobile steam plants, and boiler auxiliary equipment. Partnering with multiple distinguished companies in our industry for the storage & maintenance of this equipment allows us to offer a quick and cost effective solution when a temporary steam need arises.

More changes are upon us here in California, and at Nationwide Boiler we make it a priority to stay abreast of AQMD emission rulings that will affect our customer base. The three areas of focus at this point are the South Coast AQMD, San Joaquin Valley APCD, and San Diego APCD.

With headquarters in Indianapolis, IN, Combustion Systems, Inc. (CSI) is the exclusive Nationwide Boiler representative covering the territories of Indiana, Illinois, and most of Wisconsin. Check out this edition of our representative spotlight to learn more.  

With over 100 rental boilers currently in our inventory, we still find the need to add new units to fill in the gaps, replace sold equipment, or to boost our numbers for equipment that is often in high demand. Learn about some of the new equipment currently being built for our rental fleet.

View this current edition and past editions of our Steamlines Newsletter, on our website now!

  4168 Hits