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Boiler Blog | Nationwide Boiler Inc.

Nationwide Boiler news and events, industry updates, technical resources and more. You hear it first on The Nationwide Boiler Blog!

Not Just Nationwide: Business In Focus Magazine

Nationwide Boiler is featured in this month's issue of Business In Focus Magazine. Marketing Manager, Chelsey Ryker, was interviewed for an in-depth look at the company, our history, memorable projects, and what's in store for our future.

Big thanks to Nationwide Boiler representatives, Bailey Boiler and Combustion Systems, Inc. for supporting us and placing an ad in the issue!

Check out the full article here:
  4435 Hits

Nationwide Boiler Travels: WRBA Conference and IDEA Annual Campus Energy

Nationwide Boiler and Pacific Combustion Engineering have representatives at two tradeshows this week on opposite sides of the country. 

WRBA logo
We have Nationwide Boiler's Tim McBride and Pacific Combustion Engineering's Mike Dorthalina in Renton, WA joining boiler owners and vendors at the Western Regional Boiler Association (WRBA) Conference. This conference invites power boiler owners and operators from the West Coast and Canada to gather in one location and network with others in the industry, attend education presentations discussing a wide range of topics, and learn about the newest products to market.

In Baltimore, MD, we have Jim Barbeau and Jaime Cubillos representing Nationwide Boiler at the IDEA Annual Campus Energy Show. This event includes 72 presentations, 100 exhibitors, and 800+ attendees that come together to discuss the latest trends in the district heating realm. Their motto and goal this year is "Sharing Solutions, Sustaining Our Future". 


These are two exciting and valuable events that we have come to know very well, and we exhibit at these shows every year. Be sure to visit the Nationwide Boiler table if you will be in attendance at either show; #44 at WRBA and #19 at IDEA. We hope to see you there!

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Giving Back at Nationwide Boiler's 38th Annual Charity Golf Tournament

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." ―Winston Churchill

NBI PB Golf Tourn 2018 110
Nationwide Boiler’s 38th Annual Charity Golf Tournament was one for the books. We started off the week with a practice round at the Spyglass Hill Golf Course, with 48 golfers competing in a scramble and ‘Bushwood Ball’ competition. This led us to our welcoming banquet where guests dressed up in themed attire, based off of the movie “Caddyshack”. With gophers and baby ruth candy bars at each table, and a sign that read, “Welcome to the Bushwood Country Club” upon entry to the banquet hall, the theme was in full effect.

Guests enjoyed drinks, mingled, and purchased raffle tickets during the cocktail hour in the new Fairway One Room at Pebble Beach. Dinner consisted of a clam bake buffet with mouthwatering lobster, oysters, prime rib, and more, followed by a number of choices for desert. At the end of the night, President Larry Day, or Judge Smales for the evening, announced the scramble & ‘Bushwood Ball’ winners, along with our big winner that evening, Steve Graves from Campbell-Sevey. Mr. Graves won the “Raffle of a Lifetime” prize; a golf stay & play package at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, including $600 in airfare.

Bright and early the next morning hole signs were set out on the green and guests arrived to check-in for the big day of golf. Golfers had the opportunity to buy in for the “Best Ball” prize (a 50/50 style competition), purchase mulligans, and receive their thank-you gift, a Pebble Beach golf towel. As foursomes finished up at the 18th-hole, scorecards were collected and golfers had time to relax and socialize at the scoring room as other foursomes completed the course. That evening, over 100 guests arrived at the Pebble Beach Room for the awards banquet and ceremony, where additional fundraising activities were held. This included a card raffle with a $1,000 prize, and both silent and live auction events.

The food was delicious, the speakers were fantastic, and the event was a huge success. At the end of the evening, Nationwide Boiler’s Bill Testa announced our tournament winners: Miles Freeman from HTS brought home first place in the callaway division, Mike Moore from MG Sales brought home first place in the Handicap division, and our overall low gross winner was Jordan Bliss. The big winners, however, were Make-A-Wish® Greater Bay Area and the ABMA Scholarship fund. Nationwide President, Larry Day, Nationwide Boiler 2018 281announced at the end of the night that we raised at least $50,000 for the charities. Our final donation amount was $51,435, and a check was cut for each charity in the amount of $25,717.50.

It is truly a joy hosting such a great event with such friendly and generous people. We look forward to continuing this tradition for many years to come.

Save the date! Next year’s tournament is scheduled for May 8 – 9, 2019 and will coincide with Pebble Beach’s Centennial Anniversary and the return of the US Open Championship in June, which will make the course conditions for our tournament much tougher (i.e. narrow fairways and longer rough). It is surely an event you won’t want to miss!

Like Nationwide Boiler Inc. on facebook, and check out all of the photos from the event!

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Home of the Free, Because of the Brave

4th of July Boiler

Only July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence. Two days later, delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson, marking the birth of American Independence.

Take some time today to celebrate all that is great about America. And remember, as Albert Einstein once said, "Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom."

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