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Boiler Blog | Nationwide Boiler Inc.

Nationwide Boiler news and events, industry updates, technical resources and more. You hear it first on The Nationwide Boiler Blog!

Free Webinar Alert: Optimizing Ethanol Plant Efficiency and Reliability

As part of their ongoing Webinar Series, Ethanol Producers Magazine has teamed up with Siemens and will be hosting a free webinar on Tuesday, July 24th at 2:00pm CDT. The webinar is titled, “Cogeneration for the Ethanol Industry: Optimizing Plant Efficiency and Reliability Through Innovative Solutions”.

This informative webinar will discuss the challenges of cogeneration within the ethanol industry, the benefits of collaborations through unique partnerships, and the technical solutions available. In addition, Siemens will address power reliability and resiliency, higher thermal efficiency, reduced emissions, reduced operational expenses, enhanced control, partnership opportunities, and the solutions that Siemens can provide.

With ethanol production taking place in over 123 countries, Siemens has provided and installed more than 198 steam turbines within the worldwide ethanol industry. Their customer-first focus strives to provide innovative answers to the ever-challenging customer needs.

  2928 Hits

More Than Just a Boiler Rental Company

Nationwide Boiler has been in business for over 50 years, and our business has seen tremendous growth since we first opened our doors in 1967. Starting out as a rental boiler company with just one boiler, we now maintain a rental fleet of over 100 boilers and related equipment, stock new and reconditioned boilers for sale, lead the industry in CataStak™ SCR installations for package boilers, own and operate a UL certified controls division based out of Washougal, WA, and provide many products and services above and beyond just boiler rentals.

So, when you think of Nationwide Boiler, don't think of us as just another boiler rental company. Check out these ten interesting facts that you may not have known about Nationwide:

  1. Nationwide Boiler Inc. was originally named Nationwide Rentals, and began with just one 22,000 lb/hr trailer-mounted boiler in our rental fleet.
  2. We maintain, service, and store our boilers in 10 key cities through the country to help achieve quick delivery and transportation cost savings.
  3. We have over 20 sales representatives located throughout the world, ready to assist our customers.
  4. Nationwide Boiler is more than just a rental company. In addition to stocking new and reconditioned boilers for sale, we also offer auxiliary equipment for rent and for sale. This includes CataStak™ SCR systems, EconoStak economizers, DataStak™ emissions & efficiency monitoring systems, deaerators, water softeners, heat exchangers, gas regulators, blowdown heat recovery systems, blowdown separators, and more.
  5. The CataStak™ has been installed in over 200 temporary and permanent applications.
  6. We stock a large inventory of boiler parts for quick delivery to our customers.
  7. We provide complete boiler start-up, including operator training and operator service when required.
  8. Our controls division, Pacific Combustion Engineering, has over 60 years of experience with all aspects of industrial heat processes, and can provide UL certified, integrated    burner management systems and combustion control packages.
  9.  Nationwide Boiler is a manufacturer's representative for Babcock & Wilcox, Superior Boiler, E-Tech Heat Recovery Solutions, and Webster Combustion Technology.
  10. Although we have 'Nationwide' in our name, we support customers worldwide and have provided equipment to six of the seven continents in the world. Can you guess which continent we have yet to check off our list?
  3197 Hits

New Southern California Sales Engineer Added to the Nationwide Boiler Team

"Incredible things in the business world are never made by a single person, but by a team." This famous quote, spoken by Steve Jobs, couldn't be more accurate. The importance of building a strong, cohesive sales team that can provide real support and value to our customers is undeniable.

With this in mind, we are exicted to announce the addition of Rich Winfield to the Nationwide Boiler sales team! Rich joins Nationwide with nearly 35 years of experience in the boiler industry. He began his career in the field as a boiler combustion control technician, eventually transitioning into a sales position where he experienced continued growth and success.

Rich has been assigned to the position of Outside Sales, Southern California Region, and will focus on nurturing new leads and servicing previous clientele throughout the region. In addition, Rich will continue to educate boiler owner's in Southern California on Nationwide Boilers full product offerings, including our fleet of over 100 rental boilers, new and used boilers for sale, stock boiler program, CataStak SCR System for ultra-low NOx compliance, DataStak emissions and efficiency monitoring system, combustion control upgrades, UL certified control panels, and more.

Read our recent press release for more details, and please join us in welcoming Rich to the Nationwide Boiler team!

  3109 Hits

Ramping Up Our Stock Boiler Program

At Nationwide Boiler, we are known for our relationship with B&W as a partner and stocking distributor. The FM-120-124 B&W D-Type Package Watertube Boiler, also known as our “World Boiler”, is always in stock and has been sold to six of the seven continents in the world. In recent years, we have ramped up our stock boiler program to also include new Superior firetube boilers in a variety of configurations.

To start off, we added two specialized, factory integrated packages. These 47.5 hp and 119 hp skid-mounted package boilers are pre-piped and wired and include a duplex feedwater system and blowdown separator with after-cooler. The 47.5 hp boilers are pre-certified for use in the most stringent California air districts, while the 119 hp packages are PEER compatible for both the SCAQMD and SJVAPCD jurisdictions. Our 475 hp, 150 psi design Superior skid-mounted firetube boiler, equipped with a Webster 7ppm NOx burner, is also ideal for customers in the most stringent areas of California. All three of these systems are currently available from our shop in Fremont, CA. 

To round out our stock inventory of pacakge firetube boilers, we now have the following brand new Superior boilers available for quick ship and immediate needs: 

These stock boilers are pre-built with the burner left purposely un-mounted to allow for greater flexibility in matching the unique fuel, emissions, and combustion needs of each customer. The burner can be quickly mounted prior to delivery or installed at the site, based on customer preference. The boilers are designed for indoor and outdoor applications, with most currently being stored at the manufacturing facility in Hutchison, KS. All units are now available for immediate shipment upon customer request.

We also have our very first, zero emissions electric boiler now available for rent or for sale. This boiler, built to provide 50 hp steam at a design pressure of 150 psig, is another one of our factory integrated units, with feedwater system and blowdown separator pre-piped and wired as a skid-package.

In addition to the new boilers that we purchase specifically for our stocking program, our fleet of rental boilers and auxiliary equipment range in size and in age. We are always open to providing a solution from our rental fleet as well, if the opportunity arises. Be sure to check out or complete inventory of boilers available for sale to find a unit that fits your unique needs. 

Please give us a call at 800-227-1966 if you have an immediate boiler need that can be fulfilled from our stock of brand new boilers, reconditioned boilers, or equipment from our rental fleet.

And check out our latest Steamlines newsletter, to find this article as well as other recent project highlights, equipment spotlights, and company updates.

  2672 Hits