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A Peek Into the History of One Nationwide Rental Boiler

Nationwide Boiler's rental fleet consists of many boilers in a variety of steam output capacities and design pressures. Some boilers in  our rental fleet remain rental units throughout their useful life, while others find permanent homes through used boiler sales. One unit in particular has seen the best of both worlds. 

This 70,000 lb/hr trailer-mounted package watertube boiler was originally manufacutred in 1997 and was an active part of our rental fleet for roughly 14 years. In 2011 it was purchased by one of Nationwide Boiler’s valued customers in Newark, CA, less than 5 miles from our headquarters in Fremont. In addition to the boiler package itself, we supplied our CataStak™ SCR system for sub 5 ppm NOx emissions and removed the boiler from the trailer for permanent installation within their facility.

Fast forward to 2016, when we received word that the facility was closing. Nationwide was given the opportunity to re-acquire the boiler buy the boiler back, as it was still in good operating condition. Knowing the quality of boilers that we maintain, rent, and sell, as well as the maintenance history from its current location, we took advantage of this opportunity and purchased the boiler.

The unit has been fully reconditioned and installed on a trailer for mobility and is now on it's first rental job out of retirement. Great job to Nationwide Boiler's shop personnel who took part in bringing this boiler back to life. On to the next one!
B785 Before After
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Watertube Boiler Design: Superior Boiler's DS Type

In our last blog, we reviewed the three common types of watertube boilers: D-Type, O-Type, and A-Type. There is, however, another package watertube boiler on the market today; the Ds-type, providing a fourth option to consider when you are planning for a new boiler. In fact, the Ds-type design is patented and manufactured by Superior Boiler and is one of their most popular watertube boiler models. 

Ds vs DtypeThe configuration for this type of boiler is similar to the D-Type, with one upper steam drum, one lower drum, and one convection bank. One of the main differences lies in the convection bank flow area (the bank of tubes that provide convection heat transfer), which is much larger and utilizes upside-down L shaped tubes. This larger area means a reduced boiler pressure drop on the flue gas side. A smaller fan is required, reducing both cost and energy usage.

With Ds-type boilers, the furnace is more centralized and the cross section is more square compared to the rectangular furnace cross section of a D-type boiler. The square shape improves the heat flux from the burner due to walls being more equidistant from the heat source, and with a more uniform heat flux we get improved heat transfer with lower emissions.

Compared to D-type boilers, the Ds-type offers additional features and advantages: Ds vs Dtype frontview

- Improved shipping and rigging due to a more centralized center of gravity.
- More compact footprint; roughly 1-2ft shorter than typical package boiler. 
- No need for a burner platform since the burner is lower to the ground. 
- The option to be designed with a top exhaust outlet, providing space savings with the ability to mount the economizer in a vertical configuration above the boiler. D-type boilers are limited to a side outlet and horizontal, ground-mounted configuration. 
- An overall lower capital cost caused by fewer transitions and breeching, smaller fan requirement, better heat transfer, and better performance.

The Ds-type boiler is also known as Superior’s “Shawnee” model. With design pressures of up to 1,200 psi, these boilers can be built to supply as little as 10,000 lbs/hr to as much as 250,000 lbs/hr of saturated or superheated steam. The patented design provides an unmatched, compact footprint and is a great option when looking to replace an existing unit or add capacity to your facility.

Contact us today to learn more about how Superior’s Ds-type boiler could be a good match for your next project. 800-227-1966

  7963 Hits

Superheat Boiler Design and Performance: A Brief Overview

In the boiler industry, there are three main types of watertube boilers: D-type, O-type, and A-type (see the graphic). Boilers can be designed for either saturated or superheated steam, and they can be packaged or field-erected. Package watertube boilers are designed to be small enough for highway transportation and are factory assembled. Field-erected boilers are just as they sound; multiple components are assembled and installed in the field.

For each boiler type, there are differences in superheater design and performance. Before diving into those differences, let’s review each of the main types of watertube boilers. bw boiler types

D-type boilers have one steam drum and one lower drum, centered over each other with the furnace offset to one side. These boilers are designed with only one generating bank. 

O-type boilers also have one steam drum and one lower drum, however, they are centered over each other with the furnace in the center. These boilers are designed with two generating banks (i.e. the flue gas flow splits into the two sides at the end of the furnace). 

A-type boilers are similar to O-type and include two generating banks. The major difference is the number of drums and placement. A-type boilers include one steam drum at the top center, and two lower drums; one placed on each side of the furnace.

Saturated steam means that the steam temperature is purely dependent on the steam pressure and follows the pressure-temperature curve. For example, if the upper drum is at 150 psig, the saturated temperature would be 366°F. If the upper drum is at 300 psig, the saturated temperature would be 422°F. Saturated steam boilers will have a steam nozzle directly on the upper drum regardless of the boiler type. All of the steam produced is also collected in the upper drum.

When the design calls for superheated steam, which would be higher than the saturation temperature, an extra set of steam tubes or coils are provided and added to the heat transfer circuit in the boiler. The superheater tube bank is piped downstream of the steam drum to add heat to the saturated steam and make it superheated. 

ConvectiveOn D-Type boilers, this extra tube bank is added to the convection section (or the generating bank). This is called the convective design. The benefit of this design is the steam coils are out of the radiant heat zone of the burner (the extra heat transferred uses convection only). However, performance is not as good as radiant style superheaters which means at reduced loads, the steam temperature drops off quickly.Radiant

On O-type and A-type boilers, the extra tube bank is added at the end of the furnace. This is called the radiant design. The benefit of this design is that the performance is much better as compared to the convective style throughout the load range. However, since the heat transferred is primarily radiant heat from the burner, the superheater typically doesn’t last as long and requires more maintenance.

In today’s market, D-Type boilers are the most common. The superheat performance issues can be compensated by designing the steam for a higher temperature and then using an attemperator to control steam temperature more closely over the boiler load range. In the rental boiler industry, O-type boilers are the most common because the weight is more evenly distributed making it ideal for trailer-mounting and road transportation. Stay tuned for our next blog where we will touch on a fourth, less commonly known watertube design; the Ds-type. Ds style boilers are patented and manufactured by Superior Boiler.

As a rental boiler supplier, manufacturer’s representative and stocking distributor, Nationwide Boiler has not only sold but actually operated and maintained package watertube boilers for over 50 years. Give us a call today to learn more about what type of boiler is best for your unique application.

  9018 Hits